(Quick Star x Nimmerdor x Ramiro Z)
The BWP/NAD Stallion Performance in Sport requirements are as follows. The stallion must meet these requirements two out of the four years following his provisional approval. Performance years run according to the birthdate of the stallion. The “timeline” of the four years provisional status begins January 1 post keuring provisional approval year.
Stallions 4yrs – 6yrs old completing Jumping Performance Requirements need to complete 4 clear rounds during two years of their provisional status for a total of 8 clear rounds at age appropriate height with First round clear – 0 jumping faults (time faults are allowed). Stallions 7yrs and older need to complete 5 clear rounds before the age of 10 yrs old at age appropriate height with First round clear – 0 jumping faults (time faults are allowed).
Four Year Olds
Jumping: 1.00-1.05m, four clear rounds at a USEF “A” rated show or Young Horse Show.
Dressage: 3 tests at First level, 1 test at Second level All tests must be under different judges with a score of 62% or greater at USDF recognized shows.
Eventing: Completion of 3 USEA horse trials at the Beginner/Novice level (with at least one at the Novice level) with clean cross-country rounds.
Hunters: A minimum of 4 USEF Regular Member competitions, recognized division at 3′ to 3’3 (Pre-Green or Adult Amateur for example) – Minimum of 400 USEF zone points.
Five Year Olds
Jumping: 1.10-1.15m. Four clear rounds at a USEF “A” rated show or Young Horse Show.
Dressage: 3 tests at Second level, 1 test at Third level.
All tests must be under different judges with a score of 62% or greater at USDF recognized shows.
Eventing: Completion of 3 USEA horse trials at the Training Level with clean cross-country rounds.
Hunters: A minimum of 6 USEF Regular Member competitions, recognized division at 3’6” (First Year Green, Green Conformation or Amateur Owner for example) – Minimum of 600 USEF national points.
Six Year Olds
Jumping: 1.20-1.25m, four clear rounds at a USEF “A” rated show.
Dressage: 3 tests at Third level, 1 test at Fourth level. All tests must be under different judges with a score of 62% or greater at USDF recognized shows.
Eventing: Completion of 3 USEA horse trials at the Preliminary Level with clean cross country rounds, or the completion of one 1* three day event.
Hunters: A minimum of 6 USEF Regular Member competitions, recognized division at 3’9” (Second Year Green, or Green Conformation for example) – Minimum of 600 USEF national points.
Seven Year Olds
Jumping: 1.30-1.35m, five clear rounds at a USEF “A” rated show.
Dressage: Five scores of 60% or above at Fourth level test 2 or higher, from four different judges in USDF recognized shows.
Eventing: Completion of three horse trials at Intermediate Level or higher with clean cross-country rounds or complete one 2* three-day event.
Hunters: A minimum of 6 USEF Regular Member competitions, recognized division at 4’(Regular Working or Conformation Hunters for example) – Minimum of 600 USEF national points.
Eight – Ten Year Olds
Jumping: 1.40m+, five clear rounds at a USEF “A” rated show or FEI recorded competition.
Dressage: Five scores of 60% or above at Fourth level test 2 or higher, from four different judges in USDF recognized shows.
Eventing: Completion of three horse trials at Intermediate Level or higher with clean cross-country rounds or complete one 2* three-day event.
Hunters: A minimum of 6 USEF Regular Member competitions, recognized division at 4’(Regular Working or Conformation Hunters for example) – Minimum of 600 USEF national points.
Stallions Over Ten Years Old
Must have completed performance requirements, and veterinary requirements (and have documentation of such) prior to presentation for approval.
Permanent Approval
Must be presented to the BWP keuring committee a minimum of once every 3 years in order to maintain approval status.
Provisionally Approved Stallions
All stallions must present offspring that exhibit consistent quality with the standards set forth by the BWP. If a stallion is not presented, his license may be rescinded by the BWP/NAD and BWP/BE Studbook Committees. Provisionally approved stallions that become Deactivated prior to completing Permanent approval, must be Represented for Full Inspection, have completed all Health and Performance requirements and pay a Reinstatement Fee of $500 for BWP foal book stallions and $500 for Non-BWP foal book stallions.
Stallion Owners
Must always be members in good standing of the BWP/NAD and pay yearly stallion dues and breeding memberships in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in the suspension of a stallion’s breeding license.