Registered Name: Orchard Hills Finer By Far
Show Name: Orchard Hills Finer By Far
BWP Number: H52598
Height: 13.2
Date of Birth:05/15/2017
Country of Birth: USA
Breeder:Orchard Hill Ponies
Year Licensed:2022
Stud Fee: $975.00
Booking Fee: $175.00
Collection Fee: $150.00 M-F, $250.00 Weekend Collection
Shipped Semen: Fresh
EVA Status: Negative
Standing At: Orchard Hill Ponies
Contact: Sara Mccormick
Telephone Number: 803.270.4676
Fax Number: n/a
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.orchardhillponies.com
Owner of Record: Orchard Hill Ponies
Bio and Performance Results:
“Jimmy” is registered with the WPCSA. Additionally, this amazing stallion was also Inspected and Approved Belgian Warmblood North America – Belgian Riding Pony (BRp) at the 2022 Belgian Warmblood North American Keurring with BWP/NAD Judge Boudewijn Schepers who scored Jimmy In hand score: 80 and tremendous score for Jump Chute : 89!
2021 Young Horse Championships
* Free Jump Score of 17.30
* 5th Three Yr Old Jump Chute
* Highest Scored Hunter of 2, 3 & 4YR Olds
* 7th Overall High Score Jump Chute
2020 Young Horse Championships
3rd 4YR Olds
5th Overall 3YR Old
2nd Scored Hunter of 2, 3 & 4YR Olds
10th Overall High Score 2, 3, 4YR Olds
Technique 19.0
Front Legs 19.2
Hind legs 18.0
Bascule 19.2
Scope 18.8
Champion 4 & 5YR Olds
2nd High Score All Hunter
4th Overall score Yearling Through 5yr
Conformation 18.0
Quality of Gaits 18.7