Registered Name: Clair de Lune SE
Show Name: Clair de Lune SE
BWP Number: 8400037271107104
Color/Markings: Gray
Height: 16.2 hh
Date of Birth: 05/01/2004
Country of Birth: United States of America
Breeder: SE FARM Rose Sullivan
Year Licensed: 2007
Stud Fee: $1,500
Booking Fee: Included
Shipped Semen-Cool/Frozen: Fresh Cooled
EVA Status: Negative
Standing At: SE Farm
Contact: Rose Sullivan
Street Address: 17250 NE Lewis Rogers Lane
City, State, Zip Code: Newberg, OR 97132
Telephone Number: 805-551-6336
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sefarm.com
Owner of Record: Rose Sullivan
Bio and Performance Record:
Clair de Lune SE is one of the hottest eventing stallions in the US today. Bred in the US by Rose Sullivan as a showjumper, (Contendor/Calypso I/Alme), it was evident in his early years that he loved to compete in eventing! He transitioned from eventing with Pan-Am gold medalist Marilyn Little who had 4**** plans for him until he got injured in sport, to 3 time Olympic gold medalist Rich Fellers, where he has started competing in showjumping.
After winning the coveted YEH West Coast Finals in ‘09 with a 87.78% score, and winning almost every event he competed in, through FEI levels, he got injured in sport. In 2009 and 2010 he won the BWP Lifetime Achievement Award for eventing, and the AHHA Performance award for eventing. He was the Winner of the BWP foal futurity prize money in 2012, when two of his weanling colts scored 1st and 2nd in the national futurity.
Clair de Lune SE’s oldest offspring are now competing at FEI levels. Three 8 yr old’s youngsters are at the 3*** (Advanced) level, one mare, Morning Glory SE, being eyed for the next Pan-Ams. He has several competing at the 2** (Intermediate) and many others at Prelim and 1*.
Since 2015, Clair had 2 FEH Grand Champion National finalists, where his offspring have scored no less than 80% and as high as 89%. His son, Cosimo SE, recieved the USEA “Blue ribbon Award” for the most first place wins in one year! In 2020, his son m-Creme de la Creme was awarded the USEA 1st place award for the most points in his division.
Currently Clair is rated the #1 North American bred, and the #3 USEF leading sire for eventing. Clair’s offspring show tremendous talent, braveness and scope for jumping, as well as their sires elegance, rideability and movement.