Registered Name: Bush Van De Heffinck
Show Name: ASB Conquistador
Sire: Clinton
Dam Sire: Heartbreaker x Randel Z
BWP Number: 056-002-W00199259
Height: 16.2 hh
Date of Birth: 03/27/2001
Country of Birth: Belgium
Breeder: Van De Heffinck BVBA
Year Licensed: 2010
Stud Fee: $1,500.00
Booking Fee: $250.00
Video Available: Upon request
Shipped Semen-Cool/Frozen: Frozen
EVA Status: Negative
Standing At: Pomponio Ranch
Contact: Ashley Giannini
Telephone Number: 208-880-8925
Fax Number: 650-851-7383
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pomponioranchstallions.com
Owner of Record: Signe Ostby
YouTube Video Link
Bio and Performance Record: Ridden by Karl Cook in Amateur & Open divisions and Grad Prix level. Conquistador was originally registered under the name of Bush VD Heffinck and is the full brother of Utrillo van de Heffinck (Utrillo Z) Int. jumper ridden by Franke Sloothaak. Conquistadors full sister, Vanite van de Heffinck, is the Dam of Dax van D’Abdijhoeve (BWP), the world champion of the 7y. old horses 2010. Conquistador was the leading young jumping horse 2008 Sydney royal, Winner Copabella Futurity, 3rd World Cup Sydney Royal 2009, 4th World Cup Siec 2009. During 2011, Karl & Conquistador had several top Grand Prix placings on the West Coast, Spruce Meadows and Belgium. Including 2nd in the $50G Las Vegas Nat’l, 3rd in the $31G Sacramento GP, 3rd $25G Hits Desert, 3rd $25G Surfside Del Mar, 4th CSI3* Lummen Belgium, 7th CSI5* Spruce Meadows. ASB Conquistador is bred very similarly to the outstanding Cornet Obolensky. His offspring in the 2013 BWP/NAD Keuring “Larado WTF” tied for first place in the 2YO Futurity Championship and “Lemington WTF” tied for 3rd & “Leonidas VF tied for 4th in the 2YO Futurity.
2015 Results (Rider Eric Navet)
1st – CSI5* Spruce Meadows 1.45m
1st – CSI4* Spruce Meadows 1.45m
1st – $15,000 UltrOz Jumper 1.45m Desert Circuit III
1st – Blenheim Spring Classic II 1.45m Jumper Championship
1st – $5000 1.40m Jumper Sacramento International
1st – $5000 1.40m Jumper Del Mar International Welcome Week
2nd – CSI5* Spruce Meadows 1.45m
2nd – $30,000 Las Vegas Speed Classic
2nd – $25,000 Markel Insurance Showpark All Season
6th – $30,000 Smarkpak Grand Prix
6th – $25,000 Markel Insurance Showpark Ranch & Coast Classic