Annual Awards Program
The BWP/NAD is proud to host several awards programs for its membership. To be eligible, a horse must be a registered or approved Belgian Warmblood, either studbook or foal book, and owned by a member in good standing. Achievement Awards are offered and Individual breed classes are sponsored at major breed shows. To be eligible for awards a $75.00 award nomination fee must be paid for each year when you are joining/renewing membership. If you are not already a member of BWP/NAD, you can join as an Associate Member to participate in awards for $50.00. The deadline to submit nomination and scores is November 30th of the awards year.
2024 Federation Awards
USEF HOTY Award – Two Categories
1. Awarded to the top BWP/NAD horse in a recognized USEF National Horse of the Year Division.
2. Awarded to the top BWP horse in a recognized USEF National Horse of the Year Division.
Awarded to horses that rank in the top 10 of a USHJA Zone Horse of the Year Division. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
USDF All Breeds Award
Contact the USDF for details on requirements for the All Breeds Awards. You must be a member of the USDF. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
2024 FEI and Premier Awards
Premier Hunter Award
To be awarded in 2023 – Awarded to horses that qualify for the 2023 USHJA International Hunter Derby Championship. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
Show Jumping FEI Award
Awarded to horses that win at least $20,000 prize money in FEI Jumper classes. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
Dressage FEI Award
Awarded to horses with a win at Intermediate I or higher at USDF CDI-W. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
Eventing FEI Award
Awarded to horses with a win at a 2* CCI event or above. Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses.
2024 Achievement Awards
Awarded at the Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. Eligible horse must win the Annual Achievement Award for three consecutive years in a row to be awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award. See eligibility for the Annual Achievement Awards below. Once a horse wins a Lifetime Achievement Award they are no longer eligible for Achievement Awards at that level.
Annual Breeding Achievement Awards
Open to BWP/NAD bred horses. Please not that horses can only be nominated for one level of achievement (Merit, Bronze, Silver, OR Gold).
Certificate of Merit – Earn 10 zone points under at least two different judges in USEF recognized shows.
Bronze – Earn 15 zone points under at least four different judges in USEF recognized shows.
Silver – Earn 25 zone points under at least four different judges, including a Best or Reserve Best Young Horse in USEF recognized shows, or win a USEF Zone Champion or Reserve Champion.
Gold – Earn 40 zone points under at least four different judges, including a Best or Reserve Best Young Horse in USEF recognized shows, or win a USEF National Champion or Reserve Champion.
Certificate of Merit – Earn 4 scores of 65% or better under at least two different judges in 2 different USDF recognized shows.
Bronze – Earn 6 scores of 65% or better under at least four different judges in 4 different USDF recognized shows.
Silver – Earn a USDF lifetime score of 70% or better under at least four different judges in four different USDF recognized shows.
Gold – Earn a USDF lifetime score of 74% or better under at least six different judges in six different USDF recognized shows.
Certificate of Merit – Earn 2 scores of 65% or better under at least two different judges in USEA recognized shows.
Bronze – Earn 4 scores of 65% or better under at least four different judges in USEA recognized shows.
Silver – Earn 4 scores of 70% or better under at least four different judges in USEA recognized shows.
Gold – Earn 6 scores of 70% or better under at least six different judges in USEA recognized shows.
Annual Achievement Awards
Open to BWP/NAD and BWP bred horses. Please not that horses can only be nominated for one level of achievement (Merit, Bronze, Silver, OR Gold).
Certificate of Merit – Earn 150 points in USEF or FEI shows over fences .90m – 1.0m.
Bronze – Earn 150 points in USEF or FEI shows over fences 1.10m – 1.15m.
Silver – Earn 300 points in USEF or FEI shows over fences 1.20m – 1.35m.
Gold – Earn 300 points in USEF or FEI shows over fences 1.40m or higher.
Certificate of Merit – Earn 300 points in USEF shows in divisions with fences 2’6″ – 2’9″ (Baby Green or Pre-Adult Amateur for example).
Bronze – Earn 400 zone points in USEF shows in divisions with fences 3′- 3’3″ (Pre-Green or Adult Amateur for example).
Silver – Earn 400 national points in USEF shows in divisions with fences 3’6″ or higher (First or Second Year Green, Amateur Owner, or Regular Working Hunters for example).
Gold – Earn 600 national points in USEF shows in divisions with fences 3’6″ or higher (First or Second Year Green, Amateur Owner, or Regular Working Hunters for example).
Certificate of Merit – Obtain ten scores of 60% or better at Training Level from at least five different USDF judges. In USDF shows.
Bronze – Obtain ten scores of 60% or better at First Level from at least five different USDF judges. In USDF shows.
Silver – Obtain ten scores of 62% or better at Second Level or ten scores of 60% or better at Third Level under at least five different judges. In USDF shows.
Gold – Obtain ten scores of 60% or better at USDF Fourth Level or above from at least five different judges. In USDF shows.
Certificate of Merit – Earn 30 points at Novice in events recognized by the USEA.
Bronze – Earn 30 points at Training in events recognized by the USEA.
Silver – Earn 30 points at Prelim in events recognized by the USEA. Five points awarded for each completion at Prelim.
Gold – Earn 30 points at Intermediate or above in events recognized by the USEA. Five points are awarded for each completion at Intermediate or above.